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  In Pakistan, a broken education system forces an entire generation of children to be left behind. The consequences of this crisis are not just academic. They affect the hopes and dreams

The Nation Gets A Big F in Education

The Nation Gets A Big F in Education Without further ado, it’s time to break out the red pens and mark Pakistan’s education system’s report card. Spoiler alert: pause the celebrations. The
Taleemabad works! 84% of the students in Taleemabad Schools at the end of the year meet grade-level benchmarks – versus only 36% in other schools in the area – even though the
Constantly ranked as the best education system, Finland has successfully cracked the code for introducing constructive reforms that have revolutionized its education system. The country, which has set up a benchmark for
Taleemabad schools product launch, you can now sign up now for a free trial and access the world-class Learning Management System (LMS).
We know you and your child love our school. Then why don’t you tell your friends and family? If they enroll their child in our school, you will get a 30% discount
Congratulations! Our family has grown bigger. We now have 40 schools in 19 cities of Pakistan and are looking forward to expanding even more.
Exams. Homework. Assessments. Now, you don’t have to worry about anything because the Taleemabad Learning App covers everything.
  In Pakistan, a broken education system forces an entire generation of children to be left behind. The consequences of this crisis are not just academic. They affect the hopes and dreams

The Nation Gets A Big F in Education

The Nation Gets A Big F in Education Without further ado, it’s time to break out the red pens and mark Pakistan’s education system’s report card. Spoiler alert: pause the celebrations. The
Taleemabad works! 84% of the students in Taleemabad Schools at the end of the year meet grade-level benchmarks – versus only 36% in other schools in the area – even though the
Constantly ranked as the best education system, Finland has successfully cracked the code for introducing constructive reforms that have revolutionized its education system. The country, which has set up a benchmark for
Taleemabad schools product launch, you can now sign up now for a free trial and access the world-class Learning Management System (LMS).
We know you and your child love our school. Then why don’t you tell your friends and family? If they enroll their child in our school, you will get a 30% discount
Congratulations! Our family has grown bigger. We now have 40 schools in 19 cities of Pakistan and are looking forward to expanding even more.
Exams. Homework. Assessments. Now, you don’t have to worry about anything because the Taleemabad Learning App covers everything.
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