Properties of Air Demonstration

Introduction to Air :

Air is an essential component of life that is often taken for granted. We breathe in air every day without giving much thought to its properties and the role it plays in our lives. Today, we will conduct an experiment to find out whether air has mass and whether it occupies space.

Explanation of Air :

At the beginning of the class, I began with a brainstorming session and asked the students whether air takes up space. After waiting for some responses, I informed them that we will do an experiment to find out the answer to this question. I divided the students into groups of 2-4 and provided each group with a sheet of scrunched-up paper, a glass, and a bowl of water that was only 2/3 full. I instructed them to take out their notebooks to note down their observations while they conduct the experiment.

I provided the students with step-by-step instructions for conducting the experiment. I guided them where necessary and waited for them to carry out each step. First, they had to place the scrunched-up paper in the bottom of the glass. Then, they had to turn the glass upside down and submerge it in the water, making sure that the entire glass was under the water. They lifted the glass out of the water while making sure not to turn the glass upright and removed the paper from the glass. After that, I asked them whether the paper was wet or dry and to write down their observations in their notebooks.

Next, I asked the students to make a conclusion about their observation. Did the paper get wet or not? After the students wrote down their answers, I guided them to do the next steps. They had to tilt the glass slightly and put it in the bowl of water. Then, they observed what happened and wrote down their observations in their notebooks. I asked them to make a conclusion about their observation. Did the paper get wet or not?

After the students were done writing down their observations, we conducted a small class discussion, and the students shared their answers. Then, I explained the reasons to the students. When the glass was turned upside down and submerged in the water, the paper did not get wet because there was air present in the glass, which was occupying space that was exerting pressure, and so water did not reach the paper. When we tilted the glass, the air was displaced, and the water was able to go inside the glass.

In conclusion, this experiment helped the students understand the properties of air. It showed them that air has mass and occupies space. It also demonstrated the role of air pressure in the displacement of water. Through this experiment, the students gained a better understanding of the importance of air and how it affects our daily lives. They also learned the significance of conducting experiments and making observations to gain a better understanding of the world around us.

To reinforce the concept, I suggest the students attempt the exercise questions from their textbook on the same SLO. I will choose 1-2 questions from their classwork exercises and save them for the test. After they have solved the remaining questions in pairs, I will revise the important points of the lesson from the explanation. For the test, I will choose only 1-2 questions from their classwork exercises and save them for the test. The test should not prolong for more than 10 minutes. If most students need help to correctly answer the questions given in the IP and Conclusion (test), I will use the last lesson of the week to revise the concept once again.

Conclusion of Air :

In conclusion, conducting experiments such as this one helps students develop a better understanding of the world around them. It encourages them to ask questions, make observations, and draw conclusions. As educators, it is our responsibility to help students gain a better understanding of the world they live in and equip them with the knowledge and skills

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