Infinitive Verbs

Introduction to Infinitive verbs :

In this lesson, we will be discussing the simplest form of verbs in the English language, Infinitive Verbs. They are the building blocks of sentences and play an important role in expressing actions, opinions, and thoughts.

Explanation of infinitive verbs :

Do you know what verbs are? Verbs are words that describe what someone or something is doing. Verbs have different tenses, but today, we will be learning about the simplest form of verbs, the Infinitive Verbs.

Can you guess what the simplest form of a verb is? Give it a try! The simplest form of a verb is called an Infinitive Verb. They are just the basic form of a verb and we use them all the time in our everyday language.

They are recognizable because they always have the word “to” before them. For example, the infinitive verb form of “”eat”” is “”to eat,”” “”create”” becomes “”to create,”” and “”play”” becomes “”to play.””

Interactive Activity of infinitive verbs :

Let’s turn some of the verbs on the board into infinitive verbs. Can you help me add “to” before each verb to make an infinitive verb?

In sentences, we use them to express actions, thoughts, or opinions. For instance, in the sentence “Teacher helped the students to complete the class project,” the infinitive verb is “to complete.” In the sentence “My mother asked me to read a book,” the infinitive verb is “to read.” In the sentence “My sister’s hobby is to cook,” the infinitive verb is “to cook.” And in the sentence “The team went to eat to celebrate their success,” the infinitive verbs are “to eat” and “to celebrate.”

To reinforce the concept of these verbs, let’s do a fun activity! In this activity, we will say an infinitive verb and then point to a student. The student will then have to use them in a sentence. For example, if I say “”to run”” and point to a student named X, X will make a sentence using “”to run,”” such as “The teacher said to run when she gives the signal.”

Remember, these verbs a always have “to” before them. Some examples of these verbs include “”to eat,”” “”to create,”” “”to play,”” “”to learn,”” “”to teach,”” “”to let go,”” and “”to go.””

Conclusion of infinitive verbs :

This activity might be confusing, so it’s best to do a few trials of it with the students before letting them do it on their own. By the end of the lesson, the students will have a good understanding of Infinitive Verbs and be able to use them in their everyday language.”

Sualeha Anjum
Author: Sualeha Anjum

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